I've been so bored the past few weeks.
Figured that I'll do a little experiment code-named AFFb; Away From Facebook.
Problem statement
How many notification and messages will I get when I'm away from Facebook for a week?
The number of notification and messages will be the multiplication by seven times to the average daily number of notification and messages.
Apparatus & Materials
Laptop, internet connection, my Facebook account
Constant : My Facebook account
Manipulated : Login time in Facebook, a week away.
Responding : Number of notification and messages.
1. Login Facebook for 2 consecutive days.
2. Record the number of notification and messages.
3. Logout Facebook and stay away from it for a week.
4. Login Facebook and record the number of notification and messages.
5. The datas are tabulated.
Day 1 Day 2 Day 9
Number of notifications 2 3 6
Number of messages 0 0 2
The number of notification and messages that I get in a week is not equal to the multiplication by seven of my average daily number of notification and messages. The hypothesis is not acceptable.
Gosh. I'm so lifeless.